The Process Of Making Our Commercial
YMPB Script
Our assignment today was to create a commercial or advertisement to represent what the YMPB group is about and our target audience was sponsors. We had 4 hours to film our project and to edit it all together into a successful commercial to present at the end of the class at 5 pm. We spent the first half of the class scripting and planning out how we were going to accomplish our goal of building and constructing a commercial to inform sponsors on how great and positive the YMPB group is to hopefully get them to invest their money in us and the program.
In the beginning, Carl is outside in front of the statue, defining what E4Youth is. He says, “E4Youth is about talented young people building connections and experience in the multimedia industry.
Next, Arianna is drawing the E4Youth logo in pencil on a scratch sheet of paper. After she is done drawing the logo, Erika and Arianna describe what there experience was like during an E4Youth class.
Afterwards, several images of people in the program expressing their talents are displayed onto the screen. Soon to follow, Shadow and Jalen are describing how E4Youth can be useful in the media industry, in making a future career, and explaining how it’s helping them and their opinions on the program. Lastly, images and videos of people are shown from previous classes, and for the ending an image of all the members of the program is taken together to show how we’ve grown as a family throughout our time being in the E4Youth media program.