The first day of the YMP bootcamp was extremely eventful. When I walked into the room and saw how many people were in the program I became anxious. I’m a pretty shy person and I was concerned that, that would keep me from fully embracing the experience. My nerves and shy tendencies seemed to melt away after participating in “icebreaker” activities. I loved how every game/activity that we did had a lesson life tied into. The activity I loved the most was the circle game. It was interesting to see how many people have experienced the same things as me, and others in the group. Another thing I loved about my first day of YMP was meeting a lot of cool people. I think this program will help me become outgoing and it will give me the confidence to talk to anyone and everyone.
The task that was most difficult on the first day would have to be the “block” activity. My group had trouble establishing a community because members of our group continued to get thrown in jail and people continued to “beef” with us. It made me put life into perspective, and I realized I need to percerver when faced with obstacles. All in all my first day of YMP bootcamp was fun and memorable.

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