“Behind the Scenes of AlphaDon”

Looking through the lenses of YMP. It started with an idea to 72 hours of 30 dedicated students making 30 seconds  of social media promotion. Here is our behind the scenes story.

In Pre-Producition we had trouble figuring out job positions that suited everybody. We wanted to show what the Youth Media Project was all  about to our peers. However, there was some bad communication throughout the planning phase because everybody had different ideas ,which took  time out of  shooting.This taught us that we all need to work together as a team. Once we settled on an idea, we came through and were ready to start production. When we interviewed Mr.Carl Settles, we were able to get great feedback. He taught us two important things to do for an interview. 1) Always be prepared before the interview even starts. We should secure a location, prepare questions to ask, and make sure the production team is ready. 2) Throughout the interview, we should always keep the camera rolling. We don’t want to miss out on good footage that we can use in our commercial. This feedback will help us when we have to interview at SXSW.

Now that we were in the editing phase, we learned about editing so we can determine what part of the footage we wanted and didn’t need. The editing crew was able to not only use the footage we shot, but also photos from social media and footage from previous YMP students at SXSW. Once our crew learned how to work Final Cut, the pieces fell together to make a great commercial telling our peers about Youth Media Project.

Written by:Victoria Swenson and Imani Lands

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Pre-Production. Thinking about what message we want to send to the public


Our Editing Crew. Neda and Val are deciding which pictures we should use

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Miss Monique is helping us on how to use FinalCut


Our Entire Production Crew at hard work!

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On production site. Interview with Carl Settles

This is our Final Product!!

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S67tv1YpW8s&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]

Production Crew:

Antonio Cueto, Director

DeJuanio Waters and Val Weatherspoon, Producers

Neda Samani, Editors

Dana Summers, Writer

James Hanusch, Cinematographer

Tony Donithan, Music Producer

Victoria Swenson, Social Media

Imani Lands, Sound

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