Study on best burgers
Our group, YMP University, thought that a great question to ask people should be about burgers. We thought that would be a good question to ask strangers on the street because there is a lot of choices of burger places. We also assumed that everybody loves burgers or even fast food. During our project,we ran into people that were vegetarians, people that weren’t from here, and even people that aren’t “burger people”. We were told places that we have never even heard of, like Dirty Martins, Hopdoddy’s, and Holy Cow over any burger place in Austin. The vegans that we interviewed preferred Elevation Burger because they’re famous for making vegetarian burgers. Others didn’t have time to answer our question or they just simply didn’t have an answer. We thought that we would get good interviews if we actually went into a fast food restaurant. When we went into restaurants, most of their employees said that their burgers were the best. When we entered Jack in the Box, Shadow asked the employee “Who has the best burgers?”, she said that her job has the best burgers. Overall, our interviewees actually had to think about an answer to our question. We knew that there were a lot of burger places to choose from and that burgers is a popular food choice.