Advertising Strategies

1.Panda Cheese Commercials:

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This product is from an Arab Dairy Company based in Egypt.

Target Audience: I don’t think that any cheese would have a niche audience. But I know that the Babybel cheese use ads with women around their 30s talking about small health benefits. But the first commercial that I saw was the one with the father and the child. So I assumed that it was for everyone. There are also a few of the commercials that add “Children Not Exempted” so they really do want to market their cheese to everyone.

Locations/Environments: These vary much throughout the commercials. But obviously the one that makes the most sense is the market. But every other one still has very realistic settings. I like this a lot because to me it’s saying anytime, anywhere.

Subliminal Stimuli: These commercials are definitely saying that if you don’t buy the panda’s cheese there will be some repercussions. But I think that this message, along with the comedy is just a silly and simple way to get people to buy their cheese. I can imagine people seeing this cheese at the store, laughing and buying the cheese so that “the big bad panda doesn’t get them.” For them it was a hilarious little commercial, but they ended up buying their product like they intended.

2. Controversial Cheerios Commercial

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Because of a massive amount of prejudice and racist comments, Cheerios disabled comments, but they would not take down the video.

Target Audience: Cheerios has been known for the good for you heart bit. And it is usually associated with older people, it’s not your average sugar-coated kids cereal. This ad mostly enforced the benefits on to older people. The dad for example. But many ads feature children eating the cereal as well, although it’s definitely not as common as the adults.

Locations/Environments: “99%” of Cheerios ads take place in the home, The houses tend to look like a one child home, But I’ve noticed that when I see cheerios commercials in spanish, they tend to have more than one child. Usually an older girl and a younger boy. That’s just something that I’ve noticed. But cheerios is definitely pushed onto be a family cereal oppose to a woman’s cereal or a kid’s cereal.

Subliminal Stimuli: The reason this commercial got so much controversy was because of the feature of an interracial couple. Cheerios stated that they wanted to show that the face of America was changing. And although I definitely noticed it I didn’t think much of it. It kind of sad that something like interracial marriage is still this taboo. But nevertheless this cheerio commercial was a bit heart warming and such. And I bet it sold a few more thousand boxes

After-Video Sponsorships – Hotspot Shield

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I watch a lot of tech channels. And almost all of these channels have a sponsorship bit in the beginning, middle, or end of these videos. I hate ads, but things like this I do support very much. I’ll talk about this a lot more if I get the chance in an upcoming YMP session. But for now I’ll just cover this end-video sponsor announcement.

Target Audience: A lot of these shows are aimed towards tech-savvy people like myself. And internet security like what Hot Spot offers is a bit varies from tech-savvy person to tech-savvy person. But you’re obviously going to use it to get through basic restrictions so I guess it’s meant to go for people that want to break some sort of rule whether it’s arbitrary or not.

Locations/Environment: Linus in this sponsorship suggests that you can access ‘Murican Netflix even if you’re a non-American user. But the environment of the user and Linus is an office or computer work space. So that’s mostly where this product would be used in.

Subliminal Stimuli: I don’t really see one. The thing that I like about these sponsorships is that they’re usually very straight forwards, and unlike the ads on YouTube, these products are backed up by the channel and won’t be scams like the ones you see as YouTube ads.


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