My Son’s E4 Experience
Testimonial: E4 Youth Parent, Inonge Khabele
I’m an E4 Youth parent. Over the past three years, E4 has done some amazing things to support my son Thabo, who participates in the Music Legacy Project. Thabo is becoming the man I always knew he could be – that at one stage in his life, he couldn’t have imagined himself as.
Thabo dropped out of high school once and transferred three times. Thanks to E4 Youth, he graduated and is developing a path and vision for himself.
Initially, he was so shut down that he had no interest in the program and it took all my effort to make him attend.
Now, Thabo anticipates Saturday’s Music Legacy Project program where he is mentored by an award-winning musician and educator, Chaka Mandla Mpeanaji. He works on his projects and even produces and composes with young musicians beyond his Legacy ATX circle. Last year, he interned with the Shadow The Pros program at McGarrah Jessee with his mentor, Carlton Wilcoxon. Thabo wants to have the same impact on society one day, as E4 Youth’s Executive Director, Carl Settles.
Thabo’s self-confidence, professionalism, motivation, and focus keep growing. His goal is to be a music producer.
E4 Youth is giving him a life. There are countless more talented young people like my son, who only need a leg up.
That’s why I’m not only an E4 Youth parent but a donor and a volunteer.