What made people happy before TV, video games, technology?: Things that made people happy before TV, video games, and technology. Would be knitting clothes, making ornaments, drawing pictures, painting walls, and several other things that people did back in the olden days. What is a challenge you’ve met? Pushed Through? When I was in 7th […]
helping somebody, being nice, being there mentally/motionally/finacally/physically.
Playing outside with whatever your imagination led you to do was what made people happy. Well i used to read books in my room or go kill spiders with my sister and lil cousins when i was about 9years old. A challenge i had was in 2008 when i enrolled in school at capital city […]
what made people before TV, video games, technology. i would say video games. what is a challenge you’ve met, pushed through? being able to do tummbling.
Well what made me happy when i didnt know anything about video games i had a yoyo that was pretty much it
It mean everybody around us that’s our community people that share things with us. We do things for each other and help each other. When i listen to music and record music and do shows that’s when i’m in my zone and when i’m on twitter writing about music.
When I’m in the zone. I have my headphones on listening to music and focusing on something I have to do.