Finesse is a skill you can do with ease. I have finesse in cartwheels.PICT0052.AVI
What we learned today was elements,compounds and mixtures. What I also learned was the properties of Oobleck. I also learned the physical and chemical properties of things. Oobleck is the mixture of food coloring, glue solution and borax solution. How I felt today was really fun and cool.
Today we made Oobleck. We used a clear liquid (borax solution), pink liquid (food coloring), white liquid (glue solution) and our senses to create Oobleck. We learned about solids, liquids, and gas properties. I learned that the Oobleck is a liquid. I felt sleepy at the begging of class because I was reading and learning about Oobleck. Ifelt excited […]
Today we started working on science and we did an experiment using salt. We used an apple, a rock, and a egg and we used salt and water to see if the objects floated.
today we started on science and we did experiments on how objects float with salt. We also learned the effrect of water.