E4 Youth And Get Creative Enrichment Clubs Take On SXSW 2018

“The more they learned, the more fascinated they were. The presentation showed that creatives are a big part of this STEM industry, which opened up new job ideas for these kids — things they didn’t even know they could do. ” It’s already been a couple of weeks, but the positive effects of SXSW are […]

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How E4’s Employability Curriculum™ Powers Get Creative Enrichment Clubs

  When I first heard about Get Creative Enrichment Clubs, I thought the clubs were mostly about introducing various creative careers to kids and teaching them about creative tech tools. I figured the kids spent a lot of time “doing creative stuff.” Once I committed to writing blogs about these clubs, I found out I have […]

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2017 Highlights

  As January 2018 rapidly comes to a close, we wanted to take moment and look back at some of the things E4 Youth accomplished in 2017 and offer a brief preview of what’s to come. We now have a thriving ecosystem of 7 Get Creative Enrichment Clubs in 5 Austin area high schools serving over […]

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How “Get Creative” Enrichment Clubs Are Making A Difference

Samajae is an offensive lineman for the Panthers. He’s also a fantastic videographer and editor who puts together news stories about Pflugerville High School athletics. Last year, through his participation in E4 Youth’s Get Creative Enrichment Club, he earned access to the SXSW Film Conference. He attended every day of the conference and soaked up as […]

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#CarlGoneLearnVR @ MozillaFest

#CarlGoneLearnVR @ MozillaFest Remember when this was the way we got on the web? Well, in about 24 hours, I’ll be headed to the airport and off to Ravensbourne, London to nerd out at Mozilla Festival on everything digital. For my non nerd friends, the Mozilla Foundation is the non-profit arm of @Mozilla, makers of the […]

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