Double Rainbow (My photo)

This photo represents who I am because it ties together two of my loves in life; soccer and art. My mother actually took this but I am in the picture! I’am at the bottom right pointing at the double rainbow that happened a rainy day during practice, I was so mad that I couldn’t run […]

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Final Day at E4 Youth

At 6 p.m, we go to our pitch party, the big day is here. Everything is done, everyone has practiced their lines and they know what to say. I’m confident that Seton will love what we have put together, every group has worked hard to get here and everything that was made is top quality. […]

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ICBU Day 21 Reflection

Today is the last day! We are done with working on the website and now it’s on to the pitch party later this evening. Michael, Jaclyn, Ashlee and I went over what we are going to say during the power point for most of the day. We also have to talk during our respective groups’ creative briefs which should […]

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It could be you Day 21

The last day! And tonight is the pitch… I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous. But I would also be lying if I said I wasn’t super excited! I can’t wait to present all of our hard work and show off all our skills we have displayed at It could […]

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Twentieth Day at E4 Youth

Tomorrow is the big day. The website is done, and the other groups should be done with their parts. Today, there wasn’t much for me in my group so, I helped Amber with designing PowerPoint for the pitch. Everything is going well I hope Seton likes what we’ve worked so hard to create.

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