Today 06/04/2011 in the program It Could Be U I was reintroduced on the main focus or objective that the program is wanting us to know. Like for example the three process which are 1. Discovery, 2. Ownership, and 3. Accountable. And these three things will be done in stages, but at my own personal self […]
today was or last day at it an be u camp. i was sad because im not going to see my 5 best friend in 3 weeks which are marrisa,gidon,albert,justin,and and david frias.
Today I am going to repersent my poster and my group to the rest of the class. I am going to be telling them what my group pick to be are topic. I am going to nervous about the presentation and how I am going to miss the people that I had worked with. I […]
I am done with this project. However I just need to rehearse my presentation. Then I have to show the thousands cranes project. I am excited.
Today I had made a poster about recycling and cutted out pictuers and put them on my poster to repersent what recycling is about. Then when I was done I had to write about what recyciling is for. What I wrote about is how the earth is effeted by people and animals too. I also wrote […]
Today I am almost done with this project. I made a powerpoint and I made 12 slides about business. I can’t wait to show my project.
Today I went to the Apple store at the Domain, where they had computers.While there, I worked on my project. I had lots of fun on the field trip. I am finishing up on the project.
yesterday we made a mentos geyser and also made a small video. We also continued building the solar powered model of a house.