today i went on a field trip to ut and i had a lot of fun. we went all around ut like 2 times and we went on the 21st floor also my homies,justin &john took my partner and i went to swirl we ate a lot of frozen yogurt$$$$$$$.
Well yesterday we talk about business that we wanted to due. Also David,Lorissa,Michael wher in my group. At the end we went out side to talk about food that michael like and dont forget all of us did nit agread with him.. to day we went to ut to go to places and learnd about […]
yesterday we made groups. I was in science and we worked on a project. The project was about solar energy and we worked on magnets.our group had fun and we’re interested in the project.
yesterday, I had a lot of fun because me and my mentors, justin & albert, are working on an project. we are buillding a house out of popsicle sticks. We are placing a little fan on the top of the roof and were going to use a little motor to power it.
We chose what group we were going to be in. We came up with a topic for our movie. Our topic is recycling.
Today in class I brainstorm about ideas for business. I build my idea with legos. I learned college can be challenging but rewarding. We had ideas for our project that we will look at the rest of the week.
What I did today was thinking about how we were going to make a little movie about recycling. I also talked about how we are going to make the movie better. We had wrote about what kinds of things we were going to put in the movie. What we did today was talking about who was […]
I heard about it can be u because someone came to our house. When I grow up I want to be a doctor because I like to help people and also because I want to have alot of money. To be a doctor you have to have skills.To be a doctor you have study science.One of […]
I had went on a boat yesterday and it was fun. What I did on the boat was riding in the back of the boat but I was on a round thing that has a rope to the boat and when the boat is moving I had to hang on and try not to fall […]
I had so much fun because we went to the apple store and we went to go check out some computer technology it was pretty aswome then we came back and had lunch and got back to our expenriments and projects it was FUN!!!!♥