A Special Thank You To Everyone Involved With Media Xperiments

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the businesses and companies that are involved with Media Xperiments, and the Show Your Reel Contest. Your involvement highly motivates, inspires, and promotes positive change in our students.

I have passionately dedicated the last eleven years of my life to teaching. Throughout my teaching career I have discovered that nothing enhances the understanding of a concept while stirring up a passion for learning than a taste of a real world classroom. Opening the doors to your work and work space has undoubtedly provided our students a valuable insight that has enhanced their learning beyond the school classrooms.

It is my mission and that of my fellow teachers to prepare our students as best as possible for the real world. This means facilitating our students with the tools and learning experiences that will prepare and encourage them to continue putting the pieces of the puzzle together, exploring their interests, building on their abilities, and believing strongly in themselves to work towards their dreams. You are vital to this mission, and we cannot thank you enough for hosting the industry tours and making the Show Your Reel Contest such a grand success.

We look forward to continue working with you as we motivate and support our students to become the next creators and leaders of the media industry and beyond.

Humberto A. Pérez
Video Technology Instructor & Connally Digital Media Club Sponsor
John B. Connally High School
Austin, Texas

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