Sherry Matthews - Capitol Metro / TxDOT

Case Studies / Shadow the Pros

Employer: Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing

Clients:  Capital Metro / TxDOT

Description: Shadows concepted and created a photo library for Cap Metro, as well as a social video series for TxDot
From their very first day, this team was right in the thick of things, creatively speaking. Agency client Capital Metro wanted extensive photography options for use in its social media campaign promoting free student ridership in the summer. Student photographers Jennifer Chavez and Melake Yohannis — along with fellow Shadows and “models’ Luis Morales and Alexander Loredo — shot images at four different locations across town. The team overcame weather and transportation issues, ultimately delivering a complete library of images to the client. Their work hit the market by Week 3.


“Overall, the campaign achieved reached 165,000 individuals and scored 465,000 impressions. Of those, more than 770 took some form of action on the social media posts, and the relative score went from a 2 to a 6.” – Dandi Wright, Sherry Matthews Advocacy Marketing


Their second challenge involved social media videos for the Texas Department of Transportation’s “Drive Clean Across Texas” campaign. The team concepted, shot and produced a total of six :10 videos in five weeks (rather than the usual 12-16). Their final videos were shown at the Capstone event, eliciting a number of laughs as well as serious recognition of the polish and professional nature of their work.


“Being organized and efficient are pretty critical when you’re working as a team. It takes a lot of collaboration so we can all be successful. And advertising is really, really difficult.” – Jennifer Chavez


“Always plan more time than you think you’ll need.” – Melake Yohannis


Team members
Luis Morales – Connally High School
Melake Yohannis – Connally High School
Alexander Loredo – Austin High School
Jennifer Chavez – Austin Community College