MLK March
If you went to the Martin Luther King march which part about it made an impression on you? and why?
I went to the MLK march and I must say what I heard from the young 5th grader. It was really deep how his classmates
basically ignored one of there new students in the class. Because he comes from a foreign country speaks differently
and the rules here are unknown to him. I feel where he is coming from because I too have had to defend a foreign student
in one of my class and he was so talented, but from this speech others should learn how to help, and grow with there
fellow peers because we are the future.
pictures,tv,google…stuff like that.
maybe by using google.
i learned im starting to loveeee soccer more!
umm..really anything,i dont really care,maybe
how too design my profile or something?/
if i can create a profile; & do anything else???
i dont know;
just like too learn things?