My video project being narrowed down
So far I have my actors and actresses. Setting up the lights for the film is an easy step. But right now timing is still being
discussed. My film location has been chosen and I will commence filming. Once the timing has been figured sorry for
taking so long but I wanted to let you guys know i’m working on it.
Multimedia- is the use of computers to present graphics, animation, video, text, and sound in an integrated way.
Visuak Design-are application of proper methods to produce a product that is both artistic and functional.
Experiential Learning-Hands on learning.
Digital Portfokio-A portfolio that keeps track of your records, process, and recieve information.
1.I am very creative and my categories fall under game designer .
2.That I can be an accountent.
3.How to get good at the 1st one.
4.If my computer skills got better.