Advertising- The icons of control

In this topic , I will be going over some famous and non-famous advertising brands. What is advertising? Or better yet, What makes advertising? Why is there logos? Logos are Everywhere. They are Visual icons that grab a hold of our attention subconsciously and a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation and so on. They are everywhere. But what is behind them? Let’s take a look at a few of these examples.


In this logo above, it clearly states its title: Urban Sport. At a quick glance, this seems nothing more than just a iconic title. Behind it though, the font and color or the outline make it iconic and stand out. The typeface closely resembles that of a Urban street artist’s signature, or legible graffiti. Almost wild in nature, these letters are free and iconic; the letters grab our attention while giving us a clue about the company’s identity and nature of their products.


Not all Logos or icons are titles. In this icon pictured above, we see a faux-human figure, or a rough depiction of a human possibly jumping. We as an audience know the anatomy and shape of humans, and this logo is simple and versatile. It gives us an idea that this brand may be for clothing, or that it involves the wearing or use of people. The audience and consumer can also conclude that this company produces products meant for strenuous activities, or frequent use. All of these ideas come to our mind before we even know about this product. This leaves a subliminal message behind in our minds with the shape and color it takes, and upon turning our heads to look elsewhere, the audience concludes that this logo is the means of an athletic apparel company.


Logos can also be used to distinguish yourself from others, or distinguish an icon by first look. In this logo above, we see a splash of paint freeform, representing the logo while embellishing it in itself. The color also adds to this, as it is a fresh, bright shade of green. This logo becomes something unique in itself; the logo now appears as a painting or form of art at quick glance. Without prior knowledge, one would think that this logo could indeed belong to some company or represent something that according to this logo, might seem kind of fun. The splash of paint is keenly similar to those that are present in kindergarten canvases, symbolizing enjoyment and playfulness. Furthermore, the splash can also represent open-minds, genius ideas, an epiphany and/or mental-creative freedom. This logo is has a bit more meaning that what it may seem.


Logos are everywhere. Most, like the one depicted above, quickly represent its meaning and purpose. All these icons are the foundations of advertising, as they are the visual precursors to subconscious recognition and identification. Looking at all these previous logos, one gets ideas, or is astonished by the aesthetics used in the design. The audience viewing these logos is quick to respond when seen them. They are images that are fed to the mind that will be stored and remembered. All throughout recent history, logos have been used. And many are catchy and subliminal, leaving a spark inside our mind which ignites whenever we see the logo.
Logos are everywhere. The message behind advertising.

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