Press Release: Summer Job Shadow Applications Open for Young Creatives In Austin
April 5, 2016
Contact Person: Carl Settles 512-917-2551, carl@e4youth.org
E4 Youth’s Shadow the Pros Summer Program
What: Applications for Summer Shadow Experiences Open
When: April 4 – May 1, 2016
Where: Online at e4youth.org/
Summer Job Shadow Applications Open for Young Creatives In Austin
“This opportunity came to me at a time where I needed it the most, a time where I needed to believe that I have a chance to be someone, that my passion and skills are of value, and that I could be a part of a creative community. I can’t express enough the abundance of knowledge I received and the experiences I got to live because of this program.”
Damian Flores – Shadow the Pros Alumnus
E4 Youth kicks off online applications for its annual Shadow the Pros (STP) summer program. Open to students ages 15 – 22, STP is an intensive 8 week program for students interested in creative and technology related careers. Students work with industry coaches as they develop resumes, portfolios, attend weekly shadow experiences within their field of interest, and work on projects for real clients.
“Students are primarily chosen from the pool of more than 500 students participating in our programs in Manor, Pflugerville and Austin ISDs” says Carl Settles, Founder/Executive Director. “In order to qualify, they must complete 72 credit hours of soft skills lessons and mentor-led creative assignments during the school year. Other students can gain access based on the quality of their online portfolios and teacher recommendations.”
Shadow the Pros host companies and partners include McGarrah Jessee, GSD&M, Liaison Creative + Marketing, Sprinklr, Frost Bank, Sanders\Wingo, Sherry Matthews, HCB Health and more.
Enrollment is limited. The deadline is May 1, 2016.
About E4 Youth
E4 Youth is an Austin-based, non-profit organization founded in 2009. Through partnerships with Austin area schools and educators, E4 Youth helps bridge the gap between underserved youth and creative commercial arts careers. We identify, nurture, and promote talent through training, mentoring and internships. Since its inception, E4 Youth has worked directly with over 2000 students and raised over 1 million dollars in cash and in-kind donations in support of its programs.