We’re excited to offer this amazing opportunity to employers looking to celebrate Balck History Month and learn about Historic East Austin. Interested? Contact carl@e4youth.org Black Employee Stories Description Showcase Black Employees and Historic East Austin locations on the What Once Was (WOW) immersive storytelling platform. How it Works Our creative team will conduct 10 minute video interviews with up […]
This is the 2nd of 3 videos from the Austin Digital Heritage Project Workshop Series aimed at helping educators, parents and volunteers make authentic connections with BIPOC youth while learning digital literacy and basic coding skills. In this video we cover our approach to helping students build Emotional IQ through storytelling and the steps for […]
This is the 1st of 3 videos from the Austin Digital Heritage Project Workshop Series aimed at helping educators, parents and volunteers make authentic connections with BIPOC youth while learning digital literacy and basic coding skills. In this video we cover our approach to using storytelling frameworks to introduce youth to digital literacy and basic […]
Austin Digital Heritage Project We’re using oral histories and VR to “restore” legendary locations like the Harlem Theater across East Austin. Goals: Build a community of practice that 1) Provides professional level training and employment within the creative economy. 2) Builds a virtual archive featuring oral histories of older residents of color. 3) Promotes multi-generational events that raise awareness of […]
Help Us Build the E4 Virtual Archive (E4VA) of East Austin Oral Histories The E4VA, pronounced “Eva”, will serve as a virtual archive of oral histories that will allow both new and long term residents, tourists and people in their homes all over the world, gain a better sense of Austin’s vanishing past. Volunteer Now […]
Remix VR in the web browser in 10 minutes! E4 Youth is partnering with Latinitas and the Intel Foundation’s She Will Connect program to teach 1000 girls across Central Texas to remix VR stories about their lives over the coming year. So, we developed a “One-Sheet” for Intel volunteers to use as they coach the girls. The […]
Here’s E4 Youth’s guide along with examples for Creating Your VR Remix Party using free and open source tools in the web browser. Included are a curriculum framework, workflow and case studies for any classroom teacher or student to make immersive storytelling projects in a matter of minutes. Remix Examples Remix Guide
Introduction Here’s a hack for snapping 360 images directly from Google Street View at no cost. You used to be able to search and then download these images pretty easily using a site called istreetview.com. iStreetView.com was developed by a high school student who apparently disabled the search functionality due to massive fees for hosting […]
Over the past year, E4 Youth has partnered with the Mozilla Foundation and Capital Factory to develop curriculum that helps high school teachers integrate immersive media and storytelling into their classrooms. The result of that work is what we now call VR Remix Parties. VR Remix Parties are community events that bring together educators, coders, […]
A run down of how E4 Youth is creating a community of practice around immersive media via its Storytelling wi 360 Video Workshop. Shot and edited by Damian Flores.