how to intercat with more people, learn how to make pages and blogs. a website where poeple can connect and work.
What can you gain from learning how to build a website?: I gain info from learning to build a website, so that I can make my own websites, two actually, one for my business I hope to do in the future, and one just for fun, oh and a third one for a online game. […]
I believe I can gain a lot through building a website. It would be a skill that many places would love that I know how to do. I can gain skills nessacary for the usage of the computer. I envision myself working well, but also having a few struggles.
Building a website is one way to promote your business or entertainment. You can also charge people to build websites and make money. I think i work well in groups i am open to criticism and i think good ideas come out of many ideas put together.
Through AYW I can make an impact on the community Through fixing donated computers and giving them back to the community. I would change so much about my environment, mostly I would change the production of buildings in Austin. We need to still have the part of nature in us, and buying off lots and building […]
I can impact my community by volunteering on my own to places that need help/services on my own. A change that i would like to see in my environment is for services that are out here to be known . There is alot of people that say there is no help out here but there […]
how can you impact your community away from AYW? i can use all the skills i learned in ayw out in the real world what would you like to see change in your environment? i would like to people not fight with each other and help out more often.
More referbishing,less rushing one stuff it feels too fast and cludderd
Im not sure how i can impact my community away from AYW sence i havent left yet , but i will become a game desigher so can impact my community that way.