ICBU Day 10 Reflection

Today we finished watching The Weight of the Nation Part 3 which dealt with childhood obesity. We then finished researching our group questions and combined our findings into one document, which will help us when working on our next project. I’m excited for what next week holds and as everything starts falling into place for us.

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ICBU Academy Blog entry June 22

Today at E4 youth we finished up our creative briefs. Everyone put their questions together into a coherent paragraph where afterwards we submitted it to Jon. The academy finished watching the third episode of Weight of a nation. We wrote down five pieces f information from the video. We have all been given a link […]

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Tenth Day at E4 Youth

Today at E4 Youth we began the day by watching The Weight of a Nation Part 3, a documentary about childhood obesity and how it’s effecting the USA. Then we finished our group’s questions and combined them into a brief, which will serve as a guide for our final project. I’m looking forward to next […]

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It could be you Day 10

Well, all we really did today was talk about our next big project and wrap up the research we gathered in our different groups. It was a pretty easy day otherwise, we watched the rest of episode 3 of The Weight of A Nation and talked about it a bit. We all wrote down facts […]

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June 22, 2012

Our secondary research pieces from yesterday were combined together as one piece in each group and then as a whole class. The new project idea was presented and I think it’s a very strong decision. A website would be the perfect product to release for teens and children to learn about healthy lifestyles.

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ICBU Academy Blog entery June 21

Today at E4 youth we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Pont, a medical director for the Texas center for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity. He delivered a lecture describing the health risks involved with being an obese teen. After the presentation our group got together and worked on a creative brief over […]

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ICBU Day 9 Reflection

Today we listened to Stephen Pont, a Medical Director, explain the many complications in trying to promote health. A point that really stood out to me was that not all sources that we find during research show us the whole picture, instead they may skew data to promote their own agenda. While some products may […]

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Ninth Day at E4 Youth

Today, Stephen Pont, a Medical Director at Seton came today to talk to us about the health issues facing teens. He was an excellent speaker who not only answered questions but asked us questions as well, showing that he really cared about what our ideas were and how we were going about approach our goal. […]

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It could be you Day 9

I really liked our presenter today. He was not only informative in a media aspect, but in a healthy lifestyle aspect as well.  We could ask him about our roles as media’s youth, but we could also ask him about health itself and facts about what we are working against. He also showed off a […]

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