Exploring Advertising Strategies
[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE[/youtube]
Old Spice: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like
Locations/Environments: North America
Subliminal Stimuli & Messaging: Encourages women to buy their man “Old Spice” to make them smell like their dream man. If the perfect man smells like Old Spice, your man should too.
Target Audience: Old Spice Users, Bounce Users, Men, Women
Locations/Environments: North America
Subliminal Stimuli & Messaging: This commercial ties in with the ridiculous humor of the Terry Crew “Smell is Power” commercials. It offers a humorous way of reinforce the power of Old Spice by having him bust into another products commercial while advertising for Bounce.
Target Audience: Pre-Teen girls, Parents, Women
Locations/Environments: North America
Subliminal Stimuli & Messaging: HelloFlo is a convenient and easy way to get feminine products the moment they are needed.
I love this commercial. In an advertising world full of tampon and pad commercials filled with women wearing white dresses and doing other unrealistic things women don’t do on their periods, this offers a funny, a lighthearted way to view the topic while differentiating the brand from the rest of the market.
Target Audience: Super Bowl fans, Seahawk fans
Locations/Environments: North America
Subliminal Stimuli & Messaging: The “Trust Your Power” campaign focuses on the power of the individuals endorsing Duracell. This commercial shows the strength of a underdog who when from always being picked last to the first deaf football player in the NFL (and now Super Bowl Champion). This commercial also focuses on the power of the batter since Duracell is the battery trusted on the most important day of Derrick Coleman’s life.
I chose this commercial because it’s a very powerful story, especially considering it’s a commercial for a battery. The “Trust Your Power” campaign is meant to pull at the heart strings, but this particular commercial is a tearjerker. It’s an accessible story not only sports fans, but to anyone who loves to inspirational heroes.
Target Audience: Runners, joggers, dreamers, Adidas consumers
Locations/Environments: North America
Subliminal Stimuli & Messaging: Adidas can take you anywhere and you can achieve anything. Impossible is nothing when you wear Adidas.
I’m unfamiliar with Adida’s marketing strategy as a whole, but this is one of the most beautiful and breathtaking commercials I’ve ever seen. The best part is that the slogan “Impossible is Nothing” and the brand are not lost in the creativity of this commercial, the commercial embodies them. More commercials should be like this.