
1. My favorite assignment all year was the our favorite band project; i liked it because i got to research about my interests which i found to be very fun.

2. I describe BIMM as a class where you can enjoy many different computer things that involve editing; BIMM to me is more of a class that is about Photoshop than anything else

3. Some skills that i learned were how to use Photoshop and the many different applications it has in the world; i will probably have to do some editing when i am older and this really gave me a jump start on it

4. I do not have any dislikes because i have found all sorts of fun things to do in this class this year

5. My first thoughts were that this class was more of a video editing class but i found out that it was more involved in Photoshop which is good but i would rather do video editing

6. If i were to rate this class out of 10 i would rate it a 9.5 because i wanted to do more video editing

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