1st Annual Youth Summit Planning Meeting

1st Annual Austin Youth Summit
Planning Meeting – Thurs. Nov. 18, 6pm

9442 Capital of Tx Hwy North

Plaza 1 Ste 500

ATX, 78759

We are gearing up to begin our 1st Annual Austin Youth Summit!

Hi, my name
is Janie Lopez, CEO/President of Y.E.L.L. (Youth Engaging in Leadership
& Learning)
, a non-profit organization, that brings the community
together to enlighten our youth by challenging their minds and providing them
the necessary tools to become successful leaders. By instilling in them strong
cultural, moral and social values, Y.E.L.L. empowers them to become the VOICE
for a better tomorrow.

mission of Youth Engaging in Leadership and Learning (Y.E.L.L.) is to service
the Youth of our community through volunteers and donations by local businesses
(public and private), and by providing various fundraisers to enable the Youth
to engage annually in a Youth Summit full of activities, learning, and

We had such phenomenal
success at the 2010 San Antonio Youth Summit with 1500 attendees that we are
aiming at impacting more youth throughout our state with our mission to empower
our youth and drive toward education.

The annual summit will offer the opportunity to discuss
the important issues that affect the youth of our city. Students will take an
in-depth look at these issues and draft a Youth Agenda for our city with a list
of actionable items and next steps on these issues. Additionally, students
attending the Summit will have the opportunity to attend workshops and training
sessions on topics ranging from applying to college to managing their finances.
Throughout the day
, students will enjoy a
“Future Fair” featuring booths from employers who will have the opportunity to
educate our leaders of tomorrow on preparing for the monumental task of
replacing our retiring workforce. Colleges/Universities, camps, volunteer
opportunities and city departments that serve the youth will also be available
to talk with the students.

greatly appreciates the work that you and your business do in our
communities. We sincerely hope that you will continue to join us in this crucial
opportunity to engage and empower the young people of our city. With the
drop-out rate at 40% across the state of our national economy, it is imperative
that we invest in our young people to secure our cities and our nation’s future
prosperity. Only with your support can this opportunity for students be
possible. For more information you can send an email to info@sayouthsummit.com. We need the support of businesses in our
community to make our dream of helping the youth of Austin become our next
generation of leaders!

Please visit
www.sayouthsummit.com to gain a better understanding of our initiative. Cut and
paste this link to see pictures from the 2nd Annual SA Youth Summit which was
held on April 20th at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio,
TX: http://picasaweb.google.com/janieelopez/2010YouthSummit?feat=directlink

Press Inquiries
Contact: Carl Settles 512-917-2551

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