Writing Sample 2- What did you do last weekend?

For this writing assignment we had to choose one person in our journalism class and ask them, “What did you do last weekend?” When they answered the question we would respond to their answer with another question to get more information and detail. We would ask each other questions until we had enough info to write an article about it. The overall point of this assignment was to get us out of our shy zone and be able to ask in depth questions when we interviewed people.

Ashlee Wilson
February 22, 2012
Journalism 1

“I don’t know why I was picked for the award.” 15 year old Alexandra said.
Alexandra Coleman, better known as Allie, received the African-American Heritage award for the Eastside Memorial freshman class on Sunday February 19th. The ceremony took place from 3pm-6pm.

The Saturday before the assembly Coleman prepped for the event. Shopping for a new outfit with her mother, Marie Coleman, little sister Carrie Coleman and father Sherman Coleman. Allie’s hair was also done for the event by Jeffery Flowers, another freshman at Eastside Memorial.
When she arrived at the ceremony she saw two of her friends; Julian Medrano and Maleeca Smith. Allie said that she also made some new friends from Crockett High School.
“I felt nervous, excited I guess.”

After the ceremony Allie, her mother and little sister went grocery shopping to buy the things needed to prepare a meal for an award winner, “Taco stuff” is what Allie referred to the groceries as.
At the end of the day the Coleman’s went to home and made Chalupas.

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