Emily Personal Profile

 Emily Saavedra

I was born in Pflugerville, Texas and I have lived here all my life. I am 16 years old and I am currently a junior at John B. Connally High School. I have one older brother as well as two dogs and a cat at home. At first I am pretty shy, but once I feel completely comfortable with the people around me I talk more. I am kind, nice, humble, persistent, loyal, trusting, hard working, and respectful. Some of my favorite things to do are reading, writing, taking pictures of nature such as the clouds and trees and really anything that catches my eye, I also like to help around in the church and people in anyway they need, outside work, and ministry work. My favorite kind of music is any kind of Christian music but mainly the ones with a fast beat to it. My aspirations are when I graduate from high school I plan to go to the IN9 Impact Now internship. It is a two-year long internship and is a school of ministry based in San Antonio. When I graduate from there I plan to go to either go to ACC or another collage. I want to study writing and children’s ministry as a career and go for a major in both. I dream about one day becoming a children’s missionary for ages 5-18 and becoming a novelist and write about my experiences and also write inspirational books like Joyce Meyer. I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) when I was in 4th grade however; the teachers began to notice I was different when I was in 3rd grade. At first I had a hard time with having t find a way that I can keep myself focused in class as the work was beginning to get harder for me. Over the years after many people giving me encouragement, countless trial and error, and through God I was able to find a way that was easier for me to learn and stay focused. Even though I sill have my struggles every now and then, but I made a promise to myself that no matter how hard it gets I will never let it hold me back and give up ever.

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