9/13 events

in Libya a united states ambassador named Chris Sevens  died in a attack that is thought by people that it was meant to mark the anniversary of  9/11. In other news more oil started to appear on the gulf coast people think is due to the hurricane Isaac that might have caused it. Also during the year in video showed school kids making a bus monitor cry later by the internet there was a donation of money to her. The Chicago strike still keeps continuing and many students are getting home-schooled and athletes are practicing on the parks. Another news is that the Wii U price has been revealed which the cheapest is 300 dollars  and the Iphone 6 but somehow called Iphone 5 came out today which has a better processor and an improved redesign, also the iPod touch and nano were announced iPod looks like it wont get fingerprints which is nice price for nano will be starting at 149 and iPod will be at 299 for 5th Generation.

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