11-14-12 Laws and Ethics Study Guide Questions:
1. Things to know for the test:
2. What is the difference between breaking photojournalist ethics and breaking the law?
Answer: When you break the law it is punishable in court, but ethics is only a moral ideal.
3. What are some of the scenarios we discussed?
Answer: A woman and a child fall from a fire escape and the child survived the fall but the woman didn’t. You caught a picture of them falling, is it ok for you to run the photo?
4. What are the four things a photojournalists can be sued for?
Answer: Libel, Invasion of privacy, Copyright infringement, Obscenity
5. What is libel?
Answer: This is when you run a photo damaging a persons reputation because of false information.
6. What can you do to make sure you are not sued for libel?
Answer: Check to make sure all your information is correct.
7. What is the best defense against libel?
Answer: Do not do anything that might be questionable.
8. What is invasion of privacy?
Answer: it can be intrusion, releasing private facts, false light, appropriation.
9. When does a private citizen lose the right to privacy?
Answer: When the topic becomes news worthy.
10. What is obscenity?
Answer: When the average person could find the work offensive
11. What is the LAPS test?
Answer: Does it contain serious literacy, artwork, Political, or scientific value.
12. What is copyright?
Answer: It is a thing that protects my work from other people using it without my permission.
13. What should you do to avoid being sued for copyright infringement?
Answer: Always ask permission to use other works, or be completely original.
14. As a media representative, in which of these cases can you legally shoot a newsworthy event on private property?
Answer: If you have permission to do so.
15. If someone threatens to sue your paper for libel for a picture that damaged their reputation, what could you do to avoid it?
Answer: Prove to them that all the facts are true and I am in my right to publish it.
16. If you wanted to pursue photojournalism in college, which school should you attend?
Answer: University of Minnesota
17. Standards that professional photojournalists strive to follow are called…
Answer: Photojournalism ethics
18. If you take pictures of someone in their home with a hidden camera, you can be sued for:
Answer: Invasion of Privacy
19. If you use a telephoto lens and photograph students drinking beer in their backyard, you could be sued for:
Answer: Invasion of Privacy