Media Question 4

Did you learn anything new about yourself? Others?

I learned that if I try hard enough, and be determined enough. I can actually get things finished in time, for doing other important things. And that talking to others is not really that hard.ย 

I learned about edward, that he has his own opinions of things, and own was of doing things. So I try to not get mad at him, and just go at my own pace, and stay away from him as much as possible during the day.

Jordan, is a great guy, in his own way. He makes people feel welcomed, his atmosphere around, makes others feel comfortable to ask him questions about things. And he is understanding.

Terry, has a kind way of doing things, but still being straight blunt about things, when it is needed. He also makes somethings funny at just the right moments. He can fix the internet on any computer we have here really well. I hope he can teach me that skill before he leaves this class. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tia is a hardworking girl, she has her own days, that have a lot of funny moments in them. She can talk to others as easy as pie, if she tries, and she just is able to make others feel welcomed, and that they can talk to her about things, that are just random, and important to let out, or just randomly weird.

Mary is really good at photoshop, she has her own rythym to things which makes one realize that you can do it too, or that you could try and take her example and do something else at your own pace. She is not mean, she is kind but blunt in her own ways. Which is okay, cause my sister is blunt too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Rochelle is fun to be around. She is a relaxed young lady, she is a entertainer. She tries her best to get through the class, especially when it comes to computers, she is getting much better at it, but she used to have to ask questions and help ask for where parts were, and she didn’t get fustrated at all :).

Shirece is a very blunt and outgoing girl. She doesn’t tick anyone off, which I think is mostly a good thing. It is probably one of the best of her traits. Because it helps others come up to her for help, or info, without feeling uncomfortable. And ย she is really good with computers, almost as good as terry. Especially with drivers.

I am really glad, that I have these friends of mine working with me as teammates too get things done. I wish them a happy new year! and a great year! ๐Ÿ™‚

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One comment

  • clarissarenaebriseno August 28, 2009  

    -Mutlimedia- is the combination of different medias such as music, sound, lighting ect. often used for entertainment.
    -Visual design- to develop visual materials to create an experience
    -Experiential Learning- is to learn on your own
    -Digital Portfolio- is a portfolio using electronic and media services

    These examples relate to my skills and interest because when i was readin about all these things on it just seems like a lot of these jobs involve a lot such as multimedia, experiential learning…

    I learned that i like to do a lot of things and if i actually put my mind to it and pay attention i will find it very interesting.

    …Over the next year i would just like to experience a lot of new things on the computers and just see if i become more and more interested.

    I will be able to tell if i learned anything from this class if i remember things from this class and tell other people about it.

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