What is compassion? Give an example of a random act of kindness you have done?

Having compassion to me is like having a good heart. You care about others and you will try to help others if you can.

A random act of kindness i have done was when a woman came in to the county jail where i had already been at. She had never been in trouble, didnt know any spanish, she was a little bit hysterical so i sat down with her, calmed her down, explained to her the process and translated between her and the sheriff and even let her use some of my phone time so she could call her family. 

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One comment

  • jhibaristripling September 8, 2009  

    I will achieve my plans for long term education goals by finding out what i want to major in when i go to a col. and making sure my grades are right and tight before i grad.

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