It takes teamwork: My Experience at GSD&M
My shadow experience at GSD&M was with Morgan McDonald, Junior Art Director, and I don’t think I could have been paired up with a better match! I had a great time; we share a lot of common interests and I learned from her in the short time I was there.
I felt the energy of the agency as I was taken on a tour, and it was easy to get excited about all the work that was being created! The entire building is busy, filled with people doing their work but something that caught my eye was a huge blackboard posted with ideas where anyone can go to help and provide insights on works in progress or to see the finished product. I like how everyone can contribute, even if they are not necessarily “creative”.
After the tour, I was quite excited to see what it was like to be on the creative team. I was able to observe a discussion between Ms. McDonald and a colleague on how to solve an issue on a current idea they were working on. I enjoyed seeing the respectful collaboration in solving the problem at hand. Once that was resolved, I was able to watch Ms. McDonald in action! She had ads on her computer and used her creative skills to enhance them. I was impressed with all the work that goes into the projects. Although I knew a good amount of work was involved, I had this misconception that once an idea was formed, the follow through was the easy part. It isn’t. It is difficult to come up with something memorable, but in a good way. The teams collaborate on an idea that is worked on until it is ready to be introduced. Not only do they need to get the client to like and approve it, they need to make sure that consumers will understand and will be interested in the product.
I was very inspired by watching Ms. McDonald work. I could see myself doing something like what she does. Although I cannot draw, I do like taking photos and making videos and I definitely like working with graphics to enhance my work. It was good to know that when I get stuck that it is a common issue that creatives have to work through, and I am more determined not to let me get down when I am not particularly inspired. I learned that although sometimes something is a great idea, it takes work to shape into a finished product that can be seen by the client, and then the public.
I was a little sad to go, but I did take a lot with me. I see how hard it is and I am determined to work hard, too.