Boo is the next big thing, even bigger than Frankenstein’s monster. I can prove it. His creation is only 8 feet tall. That’s no big deal, Boo is 12 feet tall. Anything his creation could do, Boo could do better. I’ve created this monster that could do anything a normal human-being could do, except he could […]
Frankenstein’s monster inspired me to create a girl that would be mechanical and would win ms. universe. Me and the guys who created Bonquifa wanted her to be the most beautiful girl in the world. we wanted her to have a thin, lean body, witha six pack. We decided that the monster would like to […]
Attention Economy is companies and business people try to get your attention because they view people’s attention as rare and valuable. Companies get your attention by shooting commercils with famous people like Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift and they do that to buy their products. ExampleCompanies get your attention by special offrers on tv pop-ups on your computer. […]
Now that I have created my monsterI would get my monster up and running by using facebook and youtube. I would make videos of my monster so people know what he does and when he does his scary business. I would also put him on facebook and make my monster a profile so people can […]
Now that you I have created my monster I would get him running by putting alot of cupcakes together and candies to make him very sweet. Get him workin on turning peoples life around from miserable to joyfull and happy. To see if my monster is really works I would use the sciencetific method.
Frankenstein is a well known and popular monster but my monster is better and stronger for the following reasons. Pepe is super strong and has laser eyes that will overall give me an advantage at taking over the world. By using the concept attention economy which is how producers get the attention of the consumers […]