it was mostly dry like everything is to learn that make money unless its fun like art and etc, but it was kinda cool to learn webdesign. hmm.. working with experts i wouldn’t say was hard it was just understanding high lvl info for such low lvled info that we had about webdesign. Well ill […]
It took a lot of effort and passion for them to come to our school to and teach us about web design, because they could been doing something way better.
I could use is if I was going to go to school for web design, but I will never use it for the stuff I’m going to school for.
It was ok I really didn’t like it because I will never use this when I finish school.
it was mostly dry like everything is to learn that make money unless its like art and etc, but it was kinda cool to learn webdesign. hmm.. working with experts i wouldn’t say was hard it was just understanding high lvl info from a student stand point about webdesign. Well ill use this basic knowledge […]
*ATTENTION TEEN AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALES* Beth Sepko Casting is seeking African American females ages 12-17 to audition to play members of a high school track team in the short film “A Chance to Place in All Races.” Auditions are for principal roles and will be held in central Austin, TX on Saturday, March 2nd 2013. […]
This cartoon is about how chick-fil-a was against gays and weren’t helping out and the cow says eat more chick but the chicken is saying boycott homophobes which means to restrain from anti-gays. The cow is the symbol for chick-fil-a.
This political cartoon is about a political debate and they are in a class and reading a book on debating skills, and saying that they should make mud and sling it at one another. That results in muddslinging which is typically done in a political debate and means making hateful comments and statements about each […]