my dad getting out and getting back in my life. he missed 8yrs and now hes working bck on what he missed.
Last year when media corps wasnt around C-corps with matt it was fun and it was a good time but icant say the same for school last year cuz it was a bit of a waste but one of the things we did last year was fixing computers and filming stop motion videos.
My happiest memory is when I scores the winning touchdown for my team. I was 10 years old when I scored the touchdown
My kids make me so happy that’s what makes me happy because they are my world and i wouldn’t trade them for anything they keep me going they keep me motivated and i’m just so happy to have them in my life. My happiest memory with my kids is them being born and coming into […]
What makes me happy? I can’t really say because i haven’t found that thing or someone yet. Things may make me smile or laugh but, as far as happy. I’m still on the search and no its not like the pursuit of happiness. I still have a lot of growing to do and so does […]
So far I have my actors and actresses. Setting up the lights for the film is an easy step. But right now timing is still being discussed. My film location has been chosen and I will commence filming. Once the timing has been figured sorry for taking so long but I wanted to let you […]
The young 5th grade boy that spoke at the MLK march made an impression on me. It blew my mind when he said that although we weren’t segregated anymore with the color of our skin we were still segregated culturally. He said that we should not judge at all just by a persons character, that the word […]
The next project I would like to work on is a music video called “We Broke”. It would be a funny music video. The video starts with three friends at a clothing store, he or she will ask their friends how they look in the clothes. Then he or she will walk back in the […]