Ashlee Wilson March 6, 2012 Giving the facts, expressing deep emotion, a way out of a barrier-I’ve always found writing to be interesting and helpful when I was in a time of need. When I graduate high school and move on to college, I want to become a journalist. Honestly, I want to do anything […]
Hi everyone i am hoping i can go to the fieldtrip with all of you. It hyas been a long time since i hav been on this website.;)
Aquafina: The Legend of the Water Girl from Media Xperiments on Vimeo. Short horror spoof written, shot and edited by youth in the 2011 It Could Be U Summer Camps.
I found out that we are not having class any more. I will miss everyone and i am going to cry after i leave from here. John luke, David, Gidon,Roxan, Ianrna, and every body else, I will miss you. 🙁
what I liked about this program was that it was alot of fun because today is the last day.
“The advice I like to give young artists, or really anybody who’ll listen to me, is not to wait around for inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in […]
What I did today was that we had watch videos and also we had learned about alot of different things and I love it today
Someone is really giving me a headach right now and i am about to quit.