- Name included on all email blasts and on-line announcements re: the event and summer program
Digital Apprenticeship Sponsor
- Friend Benefits+
- Fund $250 Gift Card for Summer Program Participant
Hometown Sponsor
- Digital Apprentice Sponsor Benefits+
- Verbal acknowledgement during the event
- Logo included in all email blasts and on-line announcements re: the event and summer program
Participating Sponsor
- 5 Available
- Hometown Sponsor Benefits+
- 2 Social media posts
- Verbal recognition during the event
Presenting Sponsor
- 2 Available
- Participating Sponsor Benefits+
- Blog post on E4 Youth’s website
Title Sponsor
- 1 Available
- Presenting Sponsor Benefits+
- Title Sponsorship of Summer Digital Apprentice Program
- Opportunity to address the audience virtually at the event