Last spring, we toured the video game company Fizz Factor’s facility. They have since shut down but it was nevertheless a great experience for our students. Here is a sneak peek of that tour. More to come soon! Find more videos like this on Media Xperiments
Starting Sunday October 26th, MX will begin offering Media Maker Workshops live on-line from top musicians, digital media experts and video game developers. They’ll cover topics such as preparing for state UIL music contests, working with applications like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Final Cut Pro and Flash. Check the events section to find out when […]
We are very excited to have so many new faces on Media Xperiments (MX). As we grow, we want to continue to improve on our mission to empower people through media. MX is a think tank and social web portal. We want folks to feel comfortable while at the same time, we want to be […]
Otherwise known as: “Me, the Parents, and College: The Conflict” “What college do you want to go to?” It’s a simple question. Most people about to graduate high school have an idea of how to answer this question, and others have no idea. It could be anywhere. It could be New York University. It could […]
Upon joining Media Xperiments I thought to my self, “Hey this is a cool place to get feedback form my creations and see other creations form others”. However that is not what I’m seeing. The Multi-Midea that is being posted (manly in the photo section) is filled with work that is not created by the […]
Hear from students, parents, educators, media professionals, entertainers and business people about how they are striving for success. Ad your own voice to our campaign and drought the drop out rate through media empowerment. It Could Be U making a difference. About It Could Be U It Could Be U is a movement to increase […]
Find more videos like this on Media Xperiments Last spring as a part of the Industry Tour Series and Show Your Reel Contest, students toured up to 7 media facilities in the greater Austin area. In cooperation with the Media Diversity Council and Cenozoic Studios we were able to film many of the tours. Now, […]
Before I begin, I must clearly and explicitly express that I do not wish for this blog post to be the spark of harsh words or another debate that lacks a vast amount of intelligence. This is an issue of social acceptability, not a 1st Amendment debate. I must ask that you (the reader) should […]
The Media Diversity Council is holding an Advisory Board Kick Off and General Interest Meeting on Tuesday, October 6, 2009. The council will announce several new strategic partnerships and detail our 2009 – 2010 Agenda.
Today, President Barack Obama gave a historic speech on education to students around the country. Among his words of encouragement, he asked students to take responsibility for their education and set goals. What are your goals? How does your education affect your chances of achieving them? What does it mean to be educated? These are […]