Landscape image of Truth's mural of Draylen Mason on side of electrical box in East Austin, TX.

“Truth” on Draylen Mason VR Experience

Explore E4 Youth’s VR Experience of Truth’s mural dedication to the late Draylen Mason.

Instructions [best viewed in Firefox via desktop]:
Use the hand cursor to drag the image in any direction. Refresh browser or view in Firefox if audio does not load immediately.

Behind the Scenes in E4’s Creative Production Process

The 360 images used to build the VR environment were captured by Creative Mentor Ricardo Villegas with a Vuze 360 camera, and coded by Creative Mentor Chris Robinson using Glitch.


Make your own VR Experience


Audio interview with Mike Johnston aka Truth conducted by E4 Creative Mentors Yvonne Rios and Nile Stewart. Truth is a street art evangelist bringing the message of joy to the masses. Audio editing was done by Austin Blankenship and E4 Producer Victoria Valadez.

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