Things to Know: 1. What are the types of white balance and draw the symbol for each.2. What is the difference among large format cameras, medium format, DSLR, and compact? Large Format- film/digital sensor 4×5 inches or larger, tripod needed, adjustable fronts and backs, used to show high level of detail Medium Format- between 35mm […]

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Semester Exam Review

Things to Know: 1. What are the types of white balance and draw the symbol for each. cloudy(cloud) daylight(sun) custom(looks like a flower -ms.porch) flash(thunderbolt looking thing) shade(house w/shade) tungsten(lightbulb)  Auto (AWB)  2. What is the difference among large format cameras, medium format, DSLR, and compact?  the difference between large format cameras and medium format […]

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justin test review

Things to Know: 1. What are the types of white balance and draw the symbol for each. 2. What is the difference among large format cameras, medium format, DSLR, and compact? A Big camera,Medium  litter 3. What time periods were they used? 4. What does SLR stand for? Single lens reflex 5. Who made the […]

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1. What are the types of white balance and draw the symbol for each. the lighting symbol daylight  2. What is the difference among large format cameras, medium format, DSLR, and compact? they are different sizes and formats and adjustments 3. What time periods were they used? large was more of a back in a […]

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1. What are the types of white balance and draw the symbol for each. Auto, Cloudy, Flash, Indoor, Daylight, Fluorescent. 2. What is the difference among large format cameras, medium format, DSLR, and compact? Quality and amount of pixels. 3. What time periods were they used? Lf used 1900’s-present, Medium used 1890’s-present, DSLR used present, […]

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midterm Review

12-13 Semester Exam Review Parts%20of%20camera.docx Things to Know: 1. What are the types of white balance and draw the symbol for each. Auto White Balance – AWB Daylight – sun–> =O= cloudy – cloud–> o@o shade – house with shade–> |^|\ tungsten – lightbulb–> =0= Fluorescent – light up battery–> <=> Flash – lightning bolt–> […]

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So today I filmed my job and got some good footage to what I believe is going on in Austin this footage is going toward a video project called Faces Of Austin and I will post the video when it is completed I hope Every one will enjoy It  PS:I will post a profile picture

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Filming short b-roll shots throughout the school. I found kids willing to be on camera and filmed them doing what they do at AYW. We found interesting shots of places on campus and just took short footage of that.

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