It’s showing the twin towers getting destroyed. This is another on e of his cartoons that he likes to do about terrorism. This is Obama being friendly with a few countries but he doesn’t have his hand up to Israel. This is a cartoon about the government and their relations with the other cou ntries. […]

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Rj Matson

     I think that the first picture is saying that america is drowning theirselves in debt and their doing nothing to stop it . The one on the right to me is saying are people are fighting this war that does not seem to end. The last one to me is talking about how […]

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Wright editorial cartoons

1.This cartoon is talking about the issues we have had in the united states with guns. it says “In guns we trust” because there has yet to be a law banning guns after all these shootings we have had.  2. Guns 1. This cartoon is showing a graveyard filled with aborted babies. The point they […]

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Dick Locher Editorial Cartoon assignment

1) In this cartoon i think the artist is trying to portray how despite the fact that our government that has checks and balances to assure that no section or side gains power over the other, some people in power don’t listen.   Theme: I think a common theme in Dick Locher’s Political cartoons is how […]

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The theme in anne telnaes’ drawings is criticism of the government medical care. The first one is criticizing the agusta national golf club for being sexist america in the doctor’s office, obviously over wieght and the doctor telling him to work out and call in the morning as if his wieght can be fixed over night.The second one […]

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Mike Keefe Cartoons

1. I seems like he is saying that the u.S is doing nothing about the shootings but going along with them and allowing them to happen. 2. I think he is trying to say Obama is just doing whatever he can to save the unemployed and he is making the rich pay for the unemployed workers. […]

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