Basics & Viewing Images Open an image, multiple images, close files: command O Undo something you’ve done: Command Z View workspace panels: Using the tools panel: Zooming & Hand tools: Making Selections Marquee tools:select parts of picture hold shift for perfect shape Lasso tool: highlight certain parts of picture (click L) Quick selection: […]
Photoshop Basics Copy the following into your blog and answer how you would do each of the following. You are creating your own resource manual Basics & Viewing Images Open an image, multiple images, close files: File>open or Command+O; for multiple just open more than one and you will have two tabs for the different pictures; […]
Photoshop Basics Copy the following into your blog and answer how you would do each of the following. You are creating your own resource manual Basics & Viewing Images Open an image, multiple images, close files (File open ) Undo something you’ve done ( Click on the x when closing photo, command z or edit step […]
Photoshop Basics Copy the following into your blog and answer how you would do each of the following. You are creating your own resource manual Basics & Viewing Images Open an image, multiple images, close files Undo something you’ve done View workspace panels Using the tools panel Zooming & Hand tools Making Selections Marquee tools […]
Basics & Viewing Images Open an image, multiple images, close files: Command O Undo something you’ve done: Command Z View workspace panels: Using the tools panel: Zooming & Hand tools: Making Selections Marquee tools: Select parts of picture, hold shift for perfect shape. Lasso tool: Highlight certain parts of picture. Quick selection: Highlight anything. Magic […]
Photoshop Basics Copy the following into your blog and answer how you would do each of the following. You are creating your own resource manual Basics & Viewing Images Open an image, multiple images, close files(commands) Undo something you’ve done(command or step back words) View workspace panels Using the tools panel(hold doe Zooming & Hand […]
Photoshop Basics Copy the following into your blog and answer how you would do each of the following. You are creating your own resource manual Basics & Viewing Images Open an image, multiple images, close files file open or command o xlick on the x at the top Undo something you’ve done […]
A Peer at Susan Pearson These days we don’t find many adolescent teens that stand out from the crowd. Not many adolescents have diverse interests. That’s not the case for 10th grader Susan Pearson. Fifteen-year-old Pearson is not just any ordinary adolescent teen. The diversity of that which she is interested in makes […]
Helping people in need of arthritis, sophomore Jesus Garcia has dedicated his future career to be a rheumatologist. He also set his goals on becoming either a marine biologist or a teacher. Not knowing what your future career is in the future could be […]
Helping sick kids get better. Making gourmet meals. Or memorizing lines for a movie. Sophomore Thomas Nguyen still doesn’t know which career path to choose. Not knowing what you want to be is a very stressful thing because it is what you are going to do for the rest of your […]