Duracell  Plot: A pro football player overcomes hardships that life presents with his own willpower and ability Character: Patrick Willis an NFL pro football player who plays for the 49ers Conflict: The conflict throughout the commercial is an internal one, to elaborate Patrick Willis is not big or strong enough. Setting: The setting throughout the […]

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Blog # Four

Duracell  Plot: A pro football player overcomes hardships that life presents with his own willpower and ability Character: Patrick Willis an NFL pro football player who plays for the 49ers Conflict: The conflict throughout the commercial is an internal one, to elaborate Patrick Willis is not big or strong enough. Setting: The setting throughout the […]

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Identifying Elements of Production

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gspElv1yvc[/youtube] Plot: Dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens have been rescued from their abusers, and even though they look sad, starved, and injured, there’s hope that donors could help these animals. Characters: Sarah McLachlan, injured animals Conflict: There’s not enough money or homes to support the neglected animals. Setting: An animal clinic. Theme: Donate money […]

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Advertising and Marketing Strategies

Target audience: Teens. Location: Out and about, wandering. Message: This picture is saying with a pair of Chucks you can go anywhere! You don’t need to be with anybody to be doing something. Target audience: Everybody. I think everybody can have their own thoughts on this. Location: Public School. Message: There’s a very strong message behind […]

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Identifying Elements of Production

Plot- The Plot of the “Just Do It”commercial is to encourage you to get out there i do, what you want to do because its you who stops you from achieving your goals so stop setting limits for yourself. Character- There is only one Character it is Matt Scout a wheel chair basketball player. Conflict […]

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Identifying element of Production

In this commercial  the plot is about how football players work hard everyday and how who will step up or will will be left behind. Characters are football players. The conflict is that one football team come together and is going to start their season. During this time 2 players are fighting over who’s better. […]

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Identifying Elements of Production

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP4mukR635k&safe=active[/youtube] PLOT: A dad is about to go on a date. The dad is nervous about this date. His son gives him a Trojan bare skin condom to calm him down. CHARACTERS: Dad, son, and daughter CONFLICT: The dad is nervous about his big date. SETTING: Their house THEME: Use trojan condoms for […]

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Elements Of Production

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqEjnUkbB-Y[/youtube] Plot: Grant Hill in his locker room talking about Sprite Character: Grant Hill Conflict: Sprite is telling you to buy Sprite because you like it not because Grant Hill is telling you too Setting: NBA locker room Theme: Buy Sprite because you like it, not because an athlete says he does.   […]

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